Must-To-Follow Expert Tips For Your Balcony Garden

Balcony Gardening at Rajarhat Flats

Balcony & rooftop gardens turn essential to maintain cooler temperatures in and around homes by providing refreshing access to greenery.

However, when planning a terrace garden at your Rajarhat Flat, dedicate both practical know-how and creative thinking,

➼To thus transform own balcony into a lovely outdoor space for relaxation & get-togethers

Any guidelines to do so? Right here, as come up


Expert Favorite Hacks To Plan Balcony/Terrace Gardens


#1 Right First Steps


Water stagnation and leakage appear to be the prime challenging issues when gardening on balconies. And if not resolved at the first, these can result in making cracks in your wall & roof slabs & in effect long-term structural damages.

The solutions? Endeavor to –

➼ Treat the walls/roofs with a layer of PVC drainage cells, containing geotextile fabric (a synthetic, absorbent gardening fabric). Soil is then poured on top of these two layers.

➼ Place saucers, with a layer of pebbles, under pots and make sure the pots have a hole in the bottom. This will help the container drain, which prevents the bottom of the pot from sitting in water.

➼ Pick self-watering pots that ensure your plants are fed only when required



#2 Soil Selection To Perfection


The soil mixture for balcony gardens is quite different from the one used for outdoor gardens, for the soil needs to be lightweight & drainage-friendly.

Get a mix of soil conditioners, fertilizers, and regular garden soil to enhance water retention and preserve nutrients.

In this regard,

◘ Silicon-based soil conditioners like vermiculite or organic options like coco peat and peat moss remain the ever-favorite choice of gardening veterans.


#3 Style It Vertically


The strategy to adopt for a patio garden that’s short in space.

Think of railing planters, stacked crates, vertical wall planters & hanging pots to create one thriving green landscape on your apartment’s balcony.

One distinctive hack to pursue in Vertical-Style Balcony Gardening is of installing floating shelves over walls there & keeping pots of full-grown plants upon those.

The height of the plants spontaneously attracts the eye upward, creating thus, an illusion of a more spacious balcony.

You can also pick wall pockets filled with spillers, fillers, and thrillers & thus creating a perfect Green Wall on your own balcony.


#4 Choose Location Wise


The ultimate answer to homeowners asking “What are the best plants for balcony?”

If you possess a South-facing patio & receive thereby abundance of sunlight, go for

◘ Cactus

◘ Flowering plants like Butterfly weed, Lavender, Shasta Daisy

◘ Vegetables such as Cherry Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Peppers (for they require a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of Sun rays to grow and produce)

When the balcony faces North or East, select plants that love shades & are fit to survive in lesser sunlight. Examples include:

◘ Astilbe hybrids, Amethyst flower, Begonia, Caladium, and Garden Hydrangea.

◘ Ferns & Herbs

◘ Leafy greens like Spinach & Lettuce


#5 Consider Climate As Well


An indispensable factor for Flats in Rajarhat located ‘real high’.

The higher up you are, the more wind your patio is likely to have, and hot drying winds can quickly dry the plants in there.

Therefore, prior to planning the garden, install a double-duty lattice or wire trellis that can block prevailing winds while providing support for climbing vines, as well. And choose self-watering pots as much as possible.

As for verandas having an unusually hot ambiance, tropical plants such as Alocasia, Canna & diverse types of Succulents emerge as the perfect go-to-options.


#6 Remember As Rules


⁌ To choose furniture made from only weather-proof materials (like Acacia Wood, Natural Stone) for the patio garden

⁌ Install low, inset lighting via Solar Panels, Cove & Foot Lights, etc.

⁌ Select only hard clay & cement pots for hanging & railings & avoid fragile ceramic & fiberglass to thus prevent unnecessary accidents.

⁌ A combination of a drip and a sprinkler system for watering.


Noting down the tips? Now get started at the earliest by consulting a top-ranking home décor & designing firm.   

Happy Home Gardening To All Flats in Rajarhat.















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