5 Core Facts To Learn & Select Your Dream Apartment

Checklist For Dream Kolkata Flat Buy

How will you define own dream Flat in Kolkata?

A home where you & every family member can live happily & with convenience? Whose location ensures easy connection to every corner of the city? And is situated within a quaint-but-reputed neighborhood?

Well, each of these criteria can be fulfilled, only if you focus upon


5 Essential Aspects Prior to Purchasing Own Dream Apartment


Highlighted by veteran realtors of India only


# 1 Plan Thinking Future-Wise


Surely in own dream home, you desire to settle down for life. And as life will progress new relations & necessities will get added to its fabric.

Therefore, while exploring apartments, factor in the space you’ll need not only presently, but also in the upcoming future.

Make sure to not select a house that appears sufficient for the present, but will fall short if the family expands, or need to set up a home office/study corner arrives.

Pay good-enough attention to things in life & family that are going to change in nearest future & shortlist apartments complementing the necessities arising from those changes.


#2 Prioritize Own Priorities


A significant task to endeavor upon.

While beginning the search for a dream apartment, make sure to enlist 3 prime features, which you & all in the family consider indispensable in their own home.

Location/Neighborhood/South-Facing Balcony/Secured Playground/Parking Space/24*7 Electricity/Ample of Open & Green Space– conduct rounds of family discussions to filter out which 3 features you all acknowledge as fundamental.

Also, be sure to differentiate between preferences and needs on that list.

For example, you may like open kitchens, but an alternative can surely be considered in your new home, right? Likewise, if children will be staying alone in the apartment, while you are at work, the factor of security simply can’t be overlooked.

Therefore, swap over expectations and focus on the things that matter the most to experience dream living at the dream abode.


#3 The Layout Factor


What’s the gain if you find your dream apartment in an all-cluttered state within months of living there?

Thereby, when approaching to buy a home look out for the storage layout in it. The flat must have abundant storage space along with the possibility of adding more to the layout. Give preference to homes with walk-in closets & in-built lofts & shelves.

Remember, the more the planned storage, the tidier your house will stay always.


#4 Fool Proof Own Finance


Another highly significant point for each dream home buyer.

In accordance with pro home loan executives, prospective apartment hunters should have 10-20% of the property’s overall cost as readymade cash to forward as a down payment.

They highly opine on not taking a loan or mortgage to arrange for your down payment amount.

Also, try to opt for a home loan, where the EMI does not exceed 25% of your monthly budget &

Once begins the journey of EMI, endeavor, as a family goal, to minimize expenditure, stick to only the needs & emergencies & check on unnecessary consumption.


#5 Stress Upon Transparency


To thus have one smoothest home buying & possessing journey. Elect a real estate house that follows all the legal protocols of property selling & is reputed among customers for offering transparent deals.

Check whether a builder’s project–

Is approved by government banks & well-known finance companies

Retains NOCs from water supply and sewage boards, electricity and Municipal corporations.

And prior to taking possession:

Ensure that you receive the Occupancy Certificate

The Sales Deed clearly states every specification of the property purchased, your name & PAN I.D, & clauses of amenities provided.


Feeling enlightened? Now take the next best step of connecting with Team Realtech & exploring state-of-art Flats in Kolkata complete with every possible urban facility.

Ring us whenever you are ready!

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