5 Effective Plumbing Practices Every Home-Owner Should Follow

DIY Plumbing Hacks For Newtown Apartments

A jammed kitchen sink or a constantly dripping tap or an overflowing toilet – how do these scenarios appear to you, a proud Newtown apartment owner?

Some most unwanted situations at your prided home, right? And surely getting a plumber’s instant service doesn’t turn out possible always.

Well, what if you can prevent such events from happening altogether?

A most welcoming proposition, but how you say? Just by pursuing


5 Easy But Highly Useful Plumbing Best Practices At Home


#1 De-Clutter The Under-Sink Area


How does this relate to plumbing? Learn that –

‣ The curvy pipes below your kitchen sink, more technically known as drain traps, are bolted to the rest of the plumbing system in the kitchen through screw-on joints. 

‣ And these screws can get loose if getting constantly thumped or crammed from both sides with objects such as dustbins, bottles of cleaners, moppers & buckets.

‣ In effect? An unprecedented leak under the sink flooding your kitchen any day

Therefore, try keeping the space below the kitchen sink free (especially avoiding heavy items) as much as possible.


#2 Plunger…Not Cleaner


Those market-available drain cleaners can surely clear congestion at sinks & toilets. But note-

Such cleaning agents comprise caustic-type oxidizing chemicals, which in turn can rust or crack your pipes in the long run.

So, the solution? Adapt the expert-voted hack for clogged drain:

• Using a quality plunger. It’s a perfect DIY tool to get rid of the clogging wastewater or liquid mess & via minimal arrangement.

Just be sure to get –

• One flat-mouthed plunger for sinks & any other jammed surfaces


• A bell-style one for the toilet

P.S- When a blockage is caused by any hard object, use own vacuum cleaner for sucking the object out, since a plunger in this situation will thrust the object even deeper into the drain.


#3 Inspect The Toilet


An over-flowing bathroom floor or preventing that with a bit of consciousness. What would you prefer at own apartments in Newtown

The prevention? Then,

➼ Endeavor on a bi-weekly or, at the least, monthly basis, to open the toilet tank & pour 4-5 drops of food color into it.

➼ Wait for 30 mins & examine the toilet bowl.

➼ If the water there appears colored, you have a toilet leak to fix immediately


#4 Trust The Teflon Tape


To mend yourself a dripping tap or one little fissure upon a pipe’s joint. Yes, the first time it will appear a bit confusing; but all you need is

To wrap the tape 3 times around the point where the tap or pipe is threaded & seal it just tight.

Only, remember to get the white Teflon & not the Yellow, as the latter is meant for gas pipelines.


#5 And As Golden Rules

Never flush down the toilet:

➼ Pet litter, Face Tissues, the Plastic wrapped around body wash & shampoo bottles & Chewing Gum

➼ Don’t pour down the kitchen sink the residual fat or grease in the pan & coffee grounds, since such elements solidify & eventually lead to a totally clogged kitchen sink – leaving no other option, but to call a plumber


Crisp DIY methods aren’t these? Wait no more to start pursuing them from right today!

And whenever having any queries about apartments in Newtown, simply reach out to Team Realtech.

Call us when it’s your time.

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